
Leukemia ! On October 25th, 2010 we received a call from Dr. Smith with the results from Bailey’s blood test taken earlier that day. “We found some abnormalities in Bailey’s blood”, he said. “She has a very high amount of young white blood cells (blasts), and a very low red blood cell count “. There was a long pause, a moment of silence. “What does that mean?” I said. He then said, “Bailey has leukemia”. For a moment, time froze. Our lives were going to forever change. All you can think of is death and the thought of loosing your baby girl. The worst feeling of all is the unknown, not knowing the outcome of this disease.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bath time

Bath time at the hospital became a huge fight because Bailey had to be all taped up so that her PICC line in her arm didn't get wet.  She kicks and screams saying, "No Tape! No Tape!".  Luckily the nurses gave Bailey some nice foaming bubble bath to take her mind off of the tape!

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